Saturday, April 4, 2020

Cat Selfie Smiles

Hello! How's everyone hanging in there? It's been a long few weeks, huh? I've been doing more stamping and reading, but not so much uploading and blogging I guess. Oops! I made this one for my sweet friend Valerie who I met in my undergrad days. She's one of my favorite people and a fellow cat lover. I'm trying to make cards for specific people with themes I know they'll like in hopes of bringing some joy and smiles. This is the cute My Favorite Things Picture Perfect set. This was my first time trying to color this one, so I tried to copy Barb. I always like going off an already colored image to get an idea of how to color the first time around.

We've been visiting smaller parks to get out and walk during the distancing. Jason spotted this cool guy on one of our outings. We saw a lot of snakes there too. Laila and I also found a copperhead on our porch one day and had someone come to remove it to a better spot for it and us. So much excitement. lol  For big news, on Monday my brother donated part of his liver to my dad. They are both doing well so far, especially considering my mom isn't able to be at the hospital babying them. It was a scary time for that to happen, but my dad's health was getting bad and he knew a liver transplant wasn't going to happen except for this way. My brother is scared to death even now, but he's brave.

That's about it for me. I'm heading off to read a bit and get more cards signed and ready to mail.


1 comment:

  1. Super cute card. Sending healing prayers for your dad and brother. What an amazing gift.


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